Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Sneeze

I am grateful that I was able to attend a religious college that held the same standards as I do. Each day reminding me to be a better person. Many may think it ridiculous the honor code I followed while attending college, but to me it was just a better way of living. At my graduation we were able to pray, to talk about religion and the things we believe. We were left with guidance and inspiration for the wonderful lives that lay ahead. I am sorry that this is happening in today's society but I am also grateful for the courage of these students who stood up for something they believed in. 

Email sent to me by Pappap!

"They walked in tandem, each of the ninety-two students filing into the already crowded auditorium. With their rich maroon gowns flowing and the traditional caps, they looked almost as grown up as they felt.

Dads swallowed hard behind broad smiles, and Moms freely brushed away tears.

This class would NOT pray during the commencements, not by choice, but because of a recent court ruling prohibiting it.

The principal and several students were careful to stay within the guidelines allowed by the ruling. They gave inspirational and challenging speeches, but no one mentioned divine guidance and no one asked for blessings on the graduates or their families.

The speeches were nice, but they were routine until the final speech received a standing ovation.

A solitary student walked proudly to the microphone. He stood still and silent for just a moment, and then, it happened.

All 92 students, every single one of them, suddenly SNEEZED !!!!

The student on stage simply looked at the audience and said,


And he walked off the stage...
The audience exploded into applause. This graduating class had found a unique way to invoke God's blessing on their future with or without the court's approval."

True story from the University of Maryland

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Temple Experience

Today has been a fabulous day and it is only 1 pm! This morning I went to the temple with my ward. I want to try and explain a bit of what happened.

First off, if you have heard of the LDS temple that's what I am talking about. You can only go inside if you are living the standards of the church. That is why people who are not Mormon are not allowed inside. Those who do enter inside have to also be at least 12 years old. This may sound a little strange but when you go inside what happens is what we call baptism for the dead. Ok so it sounds really strange. Before I explain further you may or may not know how into family history the LDS church is, we kind of love it! The reason for that is to find family and ancestors as far back as possible and then take their names to the temple. I go and am a proxy, for the baptism. A priesthood leader baptizes me in the name of someone else. Because we believe in a life after death, we want everyone to be eternally happy and we believe that that happiness can be achieved by becoming a member of the Mormon church. Now just because we baptize someone that is dead does not mean that they are automatically baptized. There is something else we believe in strongly that when we were born we were given a great gift of agency. We are free to choose however we want. That continues on, meaning that those we stand in and baptize for still have their agency to choose if they want to accept that.

Right now on the earth we have 136 operating temples with 15 under construction. Inside these temples children, adults, and families all go to do the work for their dead relatives. The amazing thing is that no matter which temple I have been to whether Washington DC, Palmyra NY, Rexburg ID, Oquirrah UT, Jordan River UT, or Columbus OH they are always busy! Temples built on the earth are The Lords House, it is a place where he and the spirit reside. That is a big reason for going as well, to feel that peace and comfort of the Lord in his house. There are other ordinances done in the temples but I have not gone through that process yet and it is such a sacred act that it is not talked about. Thus I don.t know.That happens before getting married, or going on a mission, or when you are old enough to handle making greater covenants with the Lord.

Who knows if anyone is really thinking what it would be like to see inside a temple but are not memebers. Well after the temples are done they have month long open houses where anyone can go inside and look around. After the open houses are over the temple is dedicated to the Lord and that is when worthy members can be the only ones allowed inside.

All of that was kind of a background to a story that I wanted to write down because it was such a tender moment in my life that I do not want to forget about it. Today as I was sitting in the temple with some of my friends, Brittany asked if I would do some family names for her. Each name is on a index card like paper that is either blue for boys or pink for girls. You are only allowed to be a proxy for those of your gender. She gave me 5 of her family to do the work for and on the card it has listed their full name, where they lived, parents, and year they died. I like to look over the information to get to know these women a little and trying to feel a connection. Today as I was sitting a woman beside me leaned over and said that it would be good if I bore my testimony to them about what I believed to help them with their own decision to accept or decline the baptism. I have in the past prayed to be close with these people that they might choose what is best, but this was going to be a new experience. I said a prayer in me heart and silently shared with each woman what the church means to me and why I know it is true.  Even though I have never met or seen these women I could feel their presence. To many this may sound like I am going crazy which I think is why the Mormons get persecuted so much for what they believe, but I am not crazy. I then went to baptize these 5 women and then be confirmed I know it was right and I could feel some of their happiness radiating through me. I tried to describe it the best that I could and to be honest it doesn't give my experience enough justice but I tried and I know that I read back and remember this story then I will remember the feelings I had at this moment.
This is a temple that they are currently building in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How can I make a difference?

I wish that in elementary school all kids could just enjoy it and have fun. I wish that no child had to stress so much about life. I have students who tell me their parents are getting divorced and they are so sad. I have students tell me that their brothers and sisters hit them a lot. I have seen students miss school because they are at home taking care of parents who aren't capable of taking care of themselves. I know students who are homeless. I know so much more than I wished to ever know.  I don't know if this is due to the area I teach in or if this is how elementary schools are these days, but it does not make me very happy. And with knowing all that, there isn't anything I can do outside of school. In school I give them the encouragement they need, a positive attitude, high expectations, and lots of hugs! If I leave my school never to come back again I hope that my 180 students that I worked with know that I loved them and care about them and their education and success in life.

All this came to my mind today as I was sitting with a group in reading and we were reading a story. The students had to then summarize what the story was about. One child wrote a few sentences and then in red pencil at the bottom in very big letters wrote, I want to die. It wasn't hard for me to see it written and we talked for a few minutes about it before I sent her to show her teacher. She ended up leaving the classroom in tears to go talk to the school social worker. I didn't even know schools had those until I started here.

Most of the kids in Kindergarten through second grade that I work with absolutely love me and I receive 500 hugs a day walking down the halls and into classrooms. This was one of those little girls and she did not give me a pleasant look as she was leaving the classroom, but there was no way I was going to leave it alone. Even if it was a joke, there always seems to be truth behind our statements and she is under 8 years old! I don;t mind if there is one less student who doesn't care for me, as a teacher I have to do what is best for them.

Another situation arose last night at school a boy was telling me that he expected to be in jail in 5 years. From how old he is know that would be while he is in high school. I asked him what he was planning on doing and he hoped nothing but he says he can't always control himself. Our elementary school also has gangs...yes I said gangs in the 5th and 6th grade. This student may or may not be involved in one of those. I don't know if it is expected out of these students to be apart of them or if they look forward to joining just as much as they look forward to junior high. I talked to him about school and how much I loved college and love school, trying to help him see the importance and he has absolutely no desire to go to college and who knows he may never finish high school, but I think he will. He teaches me gang signs, and all the cool raps, and how to write your name 'all gang-like'.

THIS IS NOT HOW CHILDREN SHOULD BE ACTING IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL! Surprisingly though all of this no longer surprises me anymore and I have just accepted the fact that this is how it is here. Next year the school is getting a new vice principal that has worked with gangs before and maybe he will be good for the school in more ways than one. But it is true, you do not teach at this school because it is easy, you do it to try and make a difference! That is how I try and look at everyday when I go to school. How can I make a difference in someone's? Maybe you should try and ask yourselves that question each day too!

Monday, April 23, 2012

This is who I am, and what I believe

I love facebook and some of the things that spread because of it. I can not pass up the opportunity to share 3 articles that I read today. Living in Utah I don't get that many questions about what a Mormon is or what I believe because people are either Mormon or they have lived here long enough to know who we are and what we believe.

As a Mormon, or a member of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, we have many standards or beliefs that seem funny or ridiculous to others. When asking about my religion you can ask me whatever you want and I will try and answer them, but please do not criticize what you don't know about. Countless times I have felt sad how harsh and mean people can be. I do not make fun of or put down any religion but respect those for what they believe. I ask the same of you.

If you want please take a few minutes and read these articles to gain a better understanding of some things that I believe. They are brought up more and more because people do not know what to think of Mitt Romney as he is running for president. He is being criticized for anything people don't understand, well then take the time to understand if you want. There are many more out there and you can find all those ones who put us down and put in their own opinions of what they don't know, but reading these I can tell you I see the truth in them from someone who has lived this religion my whole (almost 22) years of life. If you have more questions ask anything you want.

Mitt Romney - This only happens after going through the temple and making certain covenants with God

Mormon Temple - This also describes why someday I will be married in the temple and not everyone that I love will be able to come as well.

Serving- In our church we emphasize serving a lot in day to day life and in major events when ever and where ever we are needed. This is nothing new to our church, it is how we are taught to live.

Salt Lake City Temple

Rexburg Temple

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Charity to ALL men

This post isn't meant for me to brag or anything just so you know upfront. Today at church we were talking about charity and in the scriptures how it is always talking about helping those who are poor and those less fortunate. Also not looking down at the beggar's, because aren't we all beggars to our Heavenly Father? (Mosiah 4:19) We talked a lot about charity and how we can always be serving and thinking of other's instead of ourselves. Sometimes that is hard to do, but it is worth it. I can attest to that. I love the feeling when I am helping people because it allows me to stop thinking of my problems or worries and just think of improving someone else's life.

As we were talking I thought back to last week when I ran to the store for Annette. I went to Harmon's to pick up some trash bags, she gave me a $5 bill to get some for her. I went to the store and I drove past a gas station and I thought I recognized a car that was parked there and as I looked at the man standing at the pump on his phone I realized it was not my friend. I parked and ran into the store bought the bags and was walking out to my car with the change in my pocket. As I was about to get into my car this man that I had seen at the gas station was walking towards me and asked if he could talk to me. I of course let him and wondered what was up. He was now with a girl and he said that they were college students, out of gas and needed to get back to Provo (about 30 miles away) and didnt have any money. They looked a little rough and I usually don't give people money because you really never know what the true story is. I told him sorry that I did not have any cash to give them and wished them luck. As I got in my car I remembered that I had $2 in change from the bags in my pocket, but I thought well it is not my money to give away. As I started my car I could not get this man off of my mind. I felt bad for him, just as I do every 'homeless" man/woman that I see on the side of the road. Since I could not shake this feeling of uneasiness inside of me, I knew that what I had to do was help a brother out and go give him my $2. It wasn't much at all but I figured it could help and if he really was lying about needing that money well then it is on him and not me because all I was doing was serving someone in need. So I drove around the parking lot like an idiot looking for this guy again, I found him and told him I had found some money for him. He looked at me amazed and explained how many people in the last 2 hours wouldn't even stop to talk to him or even consider helping. I apologized that I couldn't help more but he was so thankful that I was willing to help at all rather than shrug him off and be rude like so many others. I don't know what happened to that man and I doubt that I ever will, but driving away I knew that I had done the right thing in administering to the needy. I only wish that other's could have been more compassionate towards him and helped him as well. I realize $2 isn't much but it made all the difference in my day and in his at that moment.

As I am sitting here recalling the events from this story I think of another that has been told to me many other times in my life, now this may not be the exact story but it is my interpretation...

There was a man doing some interviews at church and the first man walked in to talk with him and the interviewer said "Tell me about Christ." So the man proceeded to say how he was born in a manger to Mary and Joseph and shepherds and wise men came to see him and deliver gifts. The interviewer said thank you, you may go. The second man comes in and the same question is asked of him. He replies that Christ taught and healed people his whole life and then died on the cross. The interviewer again said thank you, you may go. The third man walks in and when he looks at the interviewer he gets down on his knees and says Christ, my Savior I love thee. MEANING: The first 2 men knew about Christ but they never knew him well enough to recognize if they saw him. It is not something that the third man knew exactly how he would look but knew instantly from being in his presence who it was. I think of those people who ignored or shrugged off this man seeking help,  he is one of Heavenly Fathers children should we not treat him the same way we would treat our Father?

If there is one thing that I truly learned today it is relying on the spirit to help guide you in life and to extend charity towards all men, because Lord knows everyone needs a little bit of help and support. Reach out and be that support for someone even if it is dropping your extra change in the salvation army jar...cough cough mom and Nick :) I promise you will be rewarded for every good deed done in this life.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Random #3

I went to the doctor today because I am pretty sure that I have pink eye :( It turns out that I did and this is what the doctor told me, "Yep it is definitely pink eye. Now I highly suggest that you return to school tomorrow and give it back to all those little stinkers that gave it to you!" I just about died laughing! I told her that I wanted to but would spare them from the pain. I don't know if I am cut out for working in the public school system, I get sick so much! Oh well!

BUT I did find out something really cool while I was at the doctor...I have 20/15 vision. I was like oh am I getting closer to getting glasses and the doctor said no that means you have even better vision than most people! It must be all that reading I do in the dark lol just kidding.

While everyone in my family has glasses I hope I can hold off for awhile longer :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Becoming a Donor

Some of you may know that I have had some pretty traumatic experiences when it comes to donating blood. I love doing what ever I can to try and help other people and donating blood is so easy, but it makes me very sick. I have decided that I will no longer do that unless for some reason it is absolutely necessary.

Because of some recent events I have decided to be put on the bone marrow registry. I have done my research and decided that it is something else I can do to try and help. There is a chance that I will never be called or needed to help but I feel as though it is something I want to do to try and help.

There was a special young woman in my ward here in Utah who passed away on Monday. She battled cancer for 9 long months before return to live with God this week. I didn't know her very well but being as she was a member of my ward there were prayers given in her behalf many mornings and nights. I didn't know her or visit her in the hospital but from family and friends I have heard how she never lost her sense of humor or her trust in God. To me that is someone who is very inspiring. Yesterday I went to her funeral service and it was just as inspiring to me. This young woman in almost 23 years of life influenced so many people for good and focused her life on serving others. That is how I wish to live my life.

Today after church I decided to come home and read a blog that Celeste kept since finding out she was diagnosed with cancer. It was uplifting to me to hear her positive attitude as she continued to write. There are many things that I don't understand about cancer but if there was one thing I learned it was how important blood transfusions, platelets, and finding a match for bone marrow. This was what inspired me to become a donor. Celeste would have needed a bone marrow transplant and luckily in the area there were 90 matches to her.

Maybe someday I can help someone going through what Celeste did, even if it is just a tiny little bit.
Celeste Poll's blog

If anyone would like to also join it is so easy. Bone Marrow Registry
I also encourage anyone who can to donate blood and I think you can donate platelets as well.

Easter Weekend

I have forgotten to write about the rest of the weekend with my family after graduation! It was so much fun I had a hard time letting them go back home. Saturday morning we got up early again and headed down to Moab for some more family fun. It was a fun drive for my family as they watched the mountains go by and then turn into long open fields and then red rock.

Saturday we spent the day at Canyonland's National Park and Dead Horse Point State Park. Both of them were really neat to see and I was glad to see something new. It was nice to be able to walk around after being in the car so long. We also got to be adventurous and  explore over rocks. Each time we looked over another canyon it was awesome to look at everyone's faces because it was pure awe for what we were looking at.

Sunday we spent the whole day at Arches National Park. I have been here a few other times, but I still love it each visit. After being in Rexburg on Friday and it snowing Sunday was a nice and 80 degree day. We all forgot our sunscreen..whoops! We were expecting to get burnt, and that we did! We hiked to Delicate Arch, Landscape Arch, Windows, Balanced Arch, and a few other small ones. We survived but it was a good thing that we had our water with us! :) It was nice at one point to sit looking at everything around me and speculate on the beautiful Easter Sunday and think of all the Lord has done for me. His atoning sacrifice is the greatest gift we could have been given. Even though I didn't spend that day at church, He was still in my thoughts and it couldn't have been better day to be spending with my family!

The beauty of the earth is so amazing and I am so grateful for the world the Lord has created for us!

I have some great memories from this weekend and here is a recap:
Nick and Kevin actually taking pictures because they love the mountains, canyons, and arches.
Kevin "I love Salt Lake City, it smells like bacon!"
Us all making fun of mom for all the water she had us take....we drank 2 cases in 2 days :)
The old man laughing at me taking a picture of our behinds
Throwing rocks off the canyons and trying to listen to them land
Pretend you are on the Titanic
We are hungry!
Drunk waitress
Mom: This is the best parking garage ever! I'm going to take a picture
The 5 year old tour guide, he was adorable and so serious!
The water cap that sat on the back of my Jeep almost the whole time
Kevin: I am looking for wildlife
Nick: I want to see a tumble weed tumbling!
Dad: Who would have thought we would be sitting on Easter Sunday eating at Pizza Hut?!


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Oak Tree

I feel as though I finally have some time to write about graduation :)

The reason I call this the Oak Tree is because that is what I have been striving to become for 4 years. When I was a freshman the Alumni Association gave me an acorn pin, and said something like right now you are just a seed but over time you will learn and grow into an oak tree. I have done a lot of learning, made new friends, had wonderful experiences, and grown immensely during my time in Idaho. For some reason that acorn stuck with me all this time and as I got closer to graduating all I could think about was getting my oak tree pin. My diploma will come in a few weeks in the mail and that will be exciting but as I walked away from graduation night all I could think of was how I was an oak tree and ready to start a new adventure. 
 YAY! I feel like I am the only one that still has their acorn.

My family flew in on Thursday afternoon and we spent some time in Salt Lake, Temple Square, and City Creek Mall. It was an adventure but everyone was tired from a long day so we went home. We connected the Pens game to stream from the internet onto the TV and we played a few rounds of pool. We went to bed early while getting excited for the adventure we were going to have the next day.

Friday morning we got up and there was some snow on the ground, that didn't exactly make my family the happiest since PA was a lot nicer than that! It even snowed about the first 1 or 2 of the drive to Rexburg, but then it stopped and was clear just not much warmer. We crossed the border into Idaho and I congratulated my dad and brothers for entering a new state for the the first time! WELCOME TO IDAHO :) They weren't to impressed but come on it is Idaho. We hit a point where the radio station stopped working so my dad leaned over to hit the tune button and we were in just the right spot that we got to watch the radio try so hard to search for a radio station. We all laughed as it went around and around finally landing on a gospel talk radio show...we didn't keep it there for long so we plugged in the IPod.

Arriving into Rexburg I gladly pointed out everything that we passed, I think they loved the tour guide they had brought along :) We had some stops to make for me to finish last minute details and when all was good we braved into the cold and walked around campus. We started at the Kimball and walked into the MC, the wind was blowing and it was cold and I think my family was pretty much done by that time. Although I had to make the trip to the Clark. Last semester I borrowed a pair of scissors from the building and I forgot to return them. WHOOPS. They stayed in my car for 4 months and I was determined to get them back! My brothers thought I was ridiculous, but let's be honest when don't they think that about me. So I got them back and we quickly walked around which doesn't take very long. Besides we were hungry!

 I thought this is a great idea...step in a barbie box and see what beauty really is.

My mom's favorite restaurant ever is Applebee's and we just so happen to have one in Rexburg! We went for lunch and still had some time before having to get ready for graduation, so mom wanted to go to the Teton Dam Flood Museum, That is one place I can say I did not go in all 4 years of going to college, but have no fear I now have that experience behind me and it was an interesting one.
 They had a display case full of replica horses and chariots and yes this one did have a troll in it!
Funniest thing ever!

I picked up my gown from old roommates, took some pictures, and off to the celebration :) I found a lot of friends and we hung out and talked about our student teaching and other experiences while waiting to line up. The I Center was pretty full as we walked in and took our seats. We had to walk the long route with a lot of stairs, it is a good thing I practiced walking in my heels! President Clark spoke and then Elder Ballard gave a wonderful commencement speech on relying on faith and not fear. I am grateful for the opportunity I had to attend BYU-I and everything I have learned over the years. When we split up for convocations, that was where the fun began. We had a complete separate one for just education and it was relatively short. I could identify about half of the graduates and were good friends with about 12! It was awesome to see these friends again.
 Kamala, Laura, and Ashley
 Martin :) What a friend!

I can say I only had a few embarrassing moments. As we were standing in line waiting for them to read my name I looked out to my family and waved! My friend leaned over and said you realize not only your family can see you but everyone else too! Hahaha yeah I forgot that but we just laughed. Then I got my DIPLOMA cover and MY OAK TREE PIN :) I was so excited I walked back to my seat and I held them both up and made a big cheesy smile for my family to see and once again blocking everyone out until I heard a soft chuckle rumble through the room. Oh well I'm okay with looking silly, it was for a good cause.

More pictures, and a long drive back to Utah to end a great day! I don't think I have grasped the concept yet of not having to ever go back to school again if I don't want to but I probably will. I cannot believe I am at this point already in my life and pictured it differently but I am happy with the way it did turn out. Now I just have to see what the next step in my life is.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Why I went to Idaho...

Many people over the years have asked me the same question...Why are you going to Idaho to school?
I have given many responses and now I want to sum up my reasoning's.
I tend to worry a lot about money and I wanted to go somewhere that I wouldn't have take out a lot of loans to pay for my education. Growing up I did not have one place in mind that I had always dreamed about going to school. When junior year in high school came around it was time to start going on college visits and applying for school. I knew one thing for certain was that I wanted to major in Special Education so I started looking into schools that were good for that specialty. For some reason my heart was set on Slippery Rock University and then maybe Penn State but mainly only because my older brother was there. Then some people at church started asking me about BYU. I hadn't really thought of it because it was so far away and everyone I love was in Pennsylvania. I also knew I did not want to go to BYU because it was so large and coming from Ligonier that was so small would be hard. I had barely ever heard of BYU Idaho. I had talked to a friend Erika from Monroeville and she had applied to Idaho and so I gave it a shot. After that time I researched it more and came to love it. I dont exactly remember how I told my parents that if I got in I was going to Idaho, but I did and I guess if I don't remember it then then they weren't too mad. My mom went for a semester so it was almost like I was going to her alma matar.  Even worse I am not sure how I told my best friend Erica, I think that was even harder than telling my parents. Once I saw how cheap tuition was I was pretty much sold on that fact too and it was a small town and that I could handle.
 Many people ask me how I could go so far away. That is the same question I asked myself many many times. I had never been further west than Minnesota and I was about to get on a plane and go to a foreign place. But I had Erika and with that I thought I would be okay. She was my best friend when I was young and then I moved away and we were still friends. We set it up so we roomed together and we showed up with the same bed spread. We laughed with our moms for about 5 minutes about the irony of that. 

I was so homesick at first and didn't know why I had come here. Erika and I had pillow talk almost every night and we became close with our neighbors and roommates. We were those crazy freshman girls
 Ashton, Erika, Christina, Tamara, Erin
I loved it so much I couldn't wait to go back again for my sophomore year. There is a different kind of spirit in the campus and I could feel it from the almost the moment I started there. During Freshman orientation we had a presentation that said only 14% of students who come declaring a major will graduate with that same degree, from that moment I was determined to be in that 14%. And here I am now able to say that I did it!

 My sophomore year was even more wonderful than the first. Not only was I able to move in with my favorite people from freshman year but I was able to meet Rosana and Maria!
 As I continued with my classes I realized another reason that I was here was for the faculty. I found out that I had the most amazing teachers in my program. I started to become very fond of them and how determined they were for me to succeed. I thought at first it was a joke because on many other campuses you hear of professors who teach and then don't care and if you dare to venture for help from them it is from a teaching assistant. That is not the case here in Rexburg.

As the years went and I had classes from the same teachers I grew to love them even more. I spent time crying in their offices, and laughing at stories, and listening to wise tales of past teaching experiences. Jillisa Cranmer and Joyce Anderson became some of my favorite people. They also happen to be two of my professors. Which comes to another reason that I am writing this... I spent the day with Jillisa Cranmer this week. I went with her and some students on a tour of an agency. Then we spent the day shopping. It was amazing

As I got home is when I started thinking how much I have enjoyed my whole experience in coming to a new life for college. I thought back on all of this and a smile came to my face.  I would have forever stayed in Pennsylvania most likely had I never had the courage to first branch out. Yes I have missed family and friends while being so far away, but I go back to visit and each time is a sweet adventure.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Student Teaching...check

I wish I could post the cutest picture of my classes and tell you their crazy names, but that is all legal issues or what not and I am not allowed. But I will still tell you some of my favorite stories....

1. Girl walking around with a imaginary bird perched on her arm. Miss M can you watch her during PE. Sure. Just put her on the laptop and she will be fine.
2. Singing and dancing to I'm sexy and I know it- oh the little boy who wears a shirt, tie, and little vest everyday :)
3. Miss. M you have a big nose!
4. Look these monkeys are drunk...wohoowowoo
5. Doing the cha- cha as a way to practice the /ch/ sound
6. HE UNDERSTANDS MISSING ADDENDS! who would have thought. First one to turn in paper and get them all right! Way to go N.
7. One student to another...Can we please not talk about dinosaurs today!
8. I can't do it...I'm hallucinating!
9. The daily hugs in the hallway!
10. Students screaming MISS M down the hallway
11. Getting a 1 on DIBELS!!
12. Benchmarking on Dibels :)
13. Being observed- Miss M we don't want you to get fired, we will be good.
14. Playing air hockey with my favorite little man
15. My tattle tellers- Miss M. he is almost touching me!!!

There are like a thousand more great times and memories from student teaching. I have not loved every minute of it, but as an overall experience I loved it. I will not lie but say that at the beginning I wanted to quit because it was not what I had imagined. But I don't quit anything and I got over those things and stuck it out everyday. Some days were hard for me to go to, but I went every single one and decided that if I wanted to to be a good experience I had to think of it as that. When my attitude changed, my mood changed also. I was able to work with amazing teachers and faculty at a very difficult school.

I am one of those people who try and brush off compliments because I can't be as good as they are making it sound. I have had both of my teachers tell me how natural teaching comes to me and how awesome I am in the classroom. "People teach at West Kearns because they want to make a difference." My teacher told me that and I have been thinking of that alot. Isn't that why we go into teaching anyway, we want to make a difference in children's lives? As I have been at West Kearns I have realized that it takes a special kind of teacher to come here everyday. These students are not easy to handle. Most are in gangs, have broken families, or have the whole extended family living together, most of parents or family in jail. These are not uncommon things to hear everyday coming to school. You try to explain that divorce is for the better most of the time when parents are apart, this doesn't mean they love you any less. You try and teach them English when they are only talking spanish in the home, you make up homework every week for them to complete but most parents cant even help with it. You never really know who is going to be in your class the next day. Students and families move all the time, some to different neighborhoods, and some to Mexico.

I have seen the benefits of being a Title One school and the awesome extra resources we get, but that means that overall we have a very low school. I have seen behind the scenes in what makes the school run with a variety of teams that make school decisions. I have seen teams that work well together and teams that don't. I have seen the help of push in and pull out services. I have seen the impact of differentiated instruction, even though I am not a fan of template making! I have seen amazing supports to help behavior students. I have seen the difference in students when you show them that you care and love them. I have seen where silliness can get you with young students. I feel as though I have seen it all, and yet I have seen nothing yet.

Thankyou West Kearns Elementary School for such an amazing experience and I am grateful to continue working there until the end of the school year.

 Template making Friday's. We are awesome at differentiating instruction
 we are so elementary teachers!
Ms. Bunk made the best bulletin board! Great motivator to do better on Dibels