Saturday, January 28, 2012

21 and BINGO

People never seem to understand why I enjoy playing bingo so much. I like the thrill of the game I guess, maybe that is why I am not supposed to gamble, but trust me when I say I am not addicted. Erica, Lizzy, and I used to play at the fire-hall occasionally and I play ever year at the Stahlstown fair, and lets be honest I have won once and it was $60! I just love bingo, yes I ever have my own set of dobbers for those of you that are wondering. Only orange, blue, purple, red, and green....... :) But since I have moved to Utah I have been in search of fun things to do and I have a friend Mallory who I student teach with (who is awesome by the way!) and she invited me to bingo on Wednesday! I was like wait what?! At Applebee's in Murray every Wednesday night from 9-11 they play bingo for free. They hand you out a card and markers while you are eating and play 3 games every hour. I was like I am there. So I meet Mallory and her friends from her singles ward, there was probably about 20 of us young adults and then maybe 8 other people in the restaurant. I was so confused why this placed wasn't packed with people, but they must not share the same love of bingo.

Overall it was so much fun, I meet alot of cool new people and the 2 girls sitting by me both won. And then when we were getting ready to leave, the waitress told us that someone had paid the tab for all of us. It was so nice of them to do that! So thank you to whoever did that. We will never know exactly who it was but what a generous person!

I have done that before to small families and it really is a fun feeling. I had a roommate and friend Meg and we were pretty tight you could say. And at school we went to eat at Winger's for lunch I think it was the end of the semester. There was a family of 4 sitting a few tables away from us and so Meg said lets chip in and pay for their meal, it doesnt look like they ate too much and there were 4 of us. So we all agreed that would be fun and random acts of service just make you happy. We told the waitress what we were going to do and she was so cinfused why we would ever do that, but she agreed to bring their check and to not tell them who it was. Since we were relatively close we could hear when the waitress told the family. The dad and mom started crying. They told the waitress that the dad had finally graduated from school and he has been out of a job, but they wanted to celebrate a little bit with their children. So they went out to eat a small meal. This was such a blessing to them and they said "please thank whoever did this greatly and more than you could ever know" So by this point the 4 of us are almost in tears and we just look at each other and thank Meg for bringing it up. It was not easy to do as college students we are also poor, but the blessings we received through the thankfulness of that family were worth the $10 extra.


  1. Hey Megan, this is Zach. I saw the link for your blog on FB. Anyway, I'm teaching a 5th Sunday lesson tomorrow and wanted to know if I could use your story, anonymously of course? Also, in Samoa ALL of the ladies absolutely love to play bingo. So just get a teaching job there!

    1. Megan, you have such a kind and generous soul...what a awesome example! I love your stories, I hope your doing alright. Always remember that you can do ANYTHING good!

    2. That would be totally fine Zach! I hope you guys are doing well?
