Saturday, May 3, 2014

Around the school

I have this little boy who is very low in everything he does. Most days he can't write his full name. But just on Monday he read me a full book. Now the book only had like 10 words total but come on this kid didn't know the whole alphabet coming in. In many ways people may look at me and say I am a failure with him or he is a failure in school and he is only in first grade. But when I listened to him read that book or when we got an 18/24 on his last math test....that is success! 
This same little guy drew this picture for me. Apparently at his house they only have one bathroom and there is a line most of the time. These kiddos sure do make me laugh!
 For Valentine's day we made these really cool hearts. You put kyro syrup and food coloring together and let the kiddos mix it around and cover the picture. Then give it a couple days to dry and they turn out hard and very shiny! What a great craft! BUT leave it up to Miss. M to destroy them.... When we came back to school on Monday I stacked them all on top of each other thinking they were dry. Well they had been sitting by the heater and I don't think they fully dried because later when I went to pull them apart they were all stuck together...EPIC FAIL! The kiddos were mad at me until I let them make another one. Lesson Learned!

 This was my first set of teaching shoes that I started using when I started my practicums in college. I finally parted with them and threw them in the garbage since I felt like I was walking in bare feet all the time!
 I had my first major accident as I would call it. A boy tripped over a chair and hit his head off the corner of another chair. My kiddos were being loud that day and I couldn't even hear him crying at first until he came up to me with his hands covering his face with blood everywhere! I was completely shocked and almost passed out! Luckily I didn't and could call for help. I was also lucky that this kid comes from a bigger family and lots of boys. Mom was much more understanding and didn't blame me which a lot of other pearents probably would have done!
 One of our favorite days in Dr. Suess' Birthday! We celebrate most of the day reading all kinds of books and doing activities with them. We made some really great hats and bowties this year.

 I cannot talk about school without thinking of these lovely ladies. Jenni, Jeanna, and Wendy! We were all in first grade last year with it being Jenni, Wendy, and my first  year. Then Jenni got moved to second grade and we were all sad but we still love her. While I spend most of my days with my 6 and 7 year olds, my friends keep me sane during recess, lunches, and after school. It helps that I like them enough to hang out with them outside of school too! I couldn't handle getting a pedicure so I went with a manicure while the rest got their feet done.  Thank you ladies for all you do for me!

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