Saturday, January 21, 2012


For my assignment I am picking 3 of the beatitudes to ponder and learn more about from the scriptures and supporting material. I have heard them repeatedly over the years but have not spent much time thinking about individual meaning and applying them to my life. This is what I love about blogging for my religion classes that I have the opportunity to spend time thinking, writing, and sharing with others. My views and opinions of things might not be the same as someone else’s but it is what the spirit is sharing with me as I am studying the scriptures.

Let there be Peace

It is interesting to me to think about this beatitude because it is one that I would consider myself good at. Not that I am the perfect peacemaker, but I enjoy things better when there is no tension and everyone is happy. I am thought of in my home as the peacemaker and the one to always show love to others. It is easier to stop something rather than letting it go and allowing it gets out of hand where many people could then get hurt. Peace is better than anger, hatred, or anything else.

What is one thing you would change about our world? It would be to have WORLD PEACE! Miss Congeniality J

Poor in spirit

The description President Lee gave was eye opening to me about what being poor in spirit really means. Many realize that those who are poor and cannot provide for their needs can be met through Christ if they follow his commandments. Time and time again I have heard stories of faithful members paying their tithing even though they couldn’t afford other of their needs. But they knew it was what the Lord commanded and they had faith that they would be blessed because of their sacrifice. And indeed it is true, the Lord’s hand was then evident in their lives. But from what President Lee said, “Realizing that no day should pass without fervent prayer of thanksgiving, for guidance and forgiveness and strength sufficient for each day’s need. That is a more in-depth explanation to me of what it means to be poor in spirit. We are all in need of this daily as we are continually searching for the Lord’s help and strength in our lives.

Those who mourn

4. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

Sometimes our greatest learning experiences come from when we are in a pit of despair and think there is no way out and then we remember our Savior, what he did for us and the love he has for each of us. Like the story shared by President Lee in the New Testament manual about a lady who was fully ready to give up on her husband and family so she could get away from troubles in her life. But it was at this time that she could no longer feel the spirit of the Lord and needed reminding of that and the wonderful ability that we have to be picked up and dusted off when we need it. Not that it is always easy but through a strong testimony and a love for the Savior and our Heavenly Father then they will help any of their children return to happiness and be there to comfort.

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