Sunday, May 20, 2012

Weekend in Park City

Last weekend I spent some time in Park City with some friends Meagan, Katie, Holly, Stephanie, and Larissa. It was a much needed little getaway that was enjoyable and very relaxing! I have heard much about Park City and was excited to visit. Upon our arrival we went shopping and walking around Olympic Park. I was a lot of fun to see where part of the Olympics were held.

This made me think of home because I live along the Old Lincoln Highway. There is a plaque thing on the diamond if you put your key on it a song will play. During sub sales and Girl Scout cookie sales Erica and I would play this song over and over again and sing it to the cars coming around. After all these years I don't think I will ever forget it...."Drive on down that Lincoln Highway. The longest road from shore to shore. Built way back when, by those hard working men. They had a dream, but they didn't really know bum bum bum bum!"

  I wish that I could really pass the torch. But in all reality I do know a man who was able to carry the real torch. Hus brother needed a kidney and he willingly donated it to him. I am not really sure of the whole story but I do know that it happened and he is the MAN!

Lets be honest my family are kind of hockey fans. The jerseys are from the 1980 and 2002 Men's Olympic Hockey teams!
 Great sport right here!

 Legit bronze, silver, and gold medals!

 Bobsledding track, I want to go but it may be $200 for a run! Geessh!

 Our amazing hotel room. Larissa and I slept on the window benches. It was very entertaining.

Someone took the queens so they replaced them with dinosaurs. I thought that was a pretty great replacement! 

SHOE TREE! For some reason this has become a tree where everyone throws shoes on the tree and leave them there. I do not understand how or why this started but it is sweet! Luckily we knew about this tree and brought old shoes to throw in the tree. Sad to say Holly missed the tree and hers landed and floated down a crick in the back. Katie and my shoes landed beside each other the tree!

 I am not sure if these families donated money or have time shares at this place or what but it was fun looking for places I knew, Hidden Valley was one of them!!

 Trolley ride! So this one time I used to drive a trolley in Mister Roger's Neighborhood...True Story! Come along come along to the castle hug and song :)

John Wayne

Over all it was a successful weekend of fun! We met some cool people, made up our own synchronizing swimming routine, roasted mallows, ate lots of unhealthy food, ate chocolate with bacon in it, rode a trolley, played Just Dance, horse shoes, singing, and who even knows what else happened!

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