Saturday, February 4, 2012

Walking on water....What!?

I am taking an online New Testament class this semester while Student Teaching. I needed the 2 extra credits to get my scholarships and to graduate. It had been fun and this is part of my assignments to post on a blog answering questions and responding to things I have learned.

Matthew 14:22-33 Walking on the Sea

After Christ had sent his apostles out to sea and the multitudes away, he went to pray. He pretty much told his apostles that he would catch up with them later. After he came down from the mountain praying, he walked across the sea the ship that held his apostles. Now in my mind if I was one of the apostles and had seen the many wonderful miracles Christ had preformed, walking on water wouldn’t be that big of a deal. Of course men had never seen anyone walk on water before, but I don’t think that have ever seen the blind healed or the dead raised. But in verse 26 it says that “the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.” This may have been the reaction Christ was expecting but he was just as calm as ever and replied, “Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.” After the apostles realize who it really is, Peter is the first one to speak up and say “hey cool, I want to try. If it is really you Christ then let me walk on water to you.” Peter gets out of the boat and starts walking. Peter had faith enough to walk on the water when seeing Christ but the moment he took his concentration off of Jesus and back to worldly things, the storm and wind, then he started to sink. Isn’t that exactly what we can relate to our lives? In D&C 88:67 it says, “If your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth all things.” I think this scriptures correlates with the meaning in Matthew. If we have our eye or our focus on Christ then we shall be filled with the Holy Spirit and light will always surround us. If we lose sight of Christ then we start to sink just like Peter did. At first it starts off slow until we are all the way under. But after Peter started sinking Christ stretched forth his hand and caught Peter. Even when we do start sinking no matter how far we can be like Peter who said, “Lord save me.” We can always turn to the Lord and say “please save me, I have lost my faith and need help.”

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