These are things that I have compiled over the years of things I want to do before I die. I am going to try and add one every year so that I have as many as years old I am. I'd say at 21 and already checking off 4 is not to bad! And 2 more may be checked off before the end of the year, but I'm not telling anything yet...
Two Questions- Bucket List
Have you found joy in life?
Has your life brought joy to others?
Has your life brought joy to others?
1. Get married to my best friend- I want to find that someone who I can
completely be myself with and love forever. Obviously I haven’t had much luck
yet, but when I find him, he is going to be one lucky man!
2. Have children- I want the whole process of being pregnant, birthing,
crying screaming baby, terrible twos, pre-teens, teens, adults. The joy of
having children is nothing you can compare to…so I have been told.
3. Go to another country- I can’t be stuck in the US forever. I want to
see another culture and other places on this beautiful earth. I love being in
nature and I can’t imagine seeing some of the natural beauties of this earth.
4. Ride in a rodeo- It is crazy and could be dangerous, but hey it’s
not that long right! Check! There was a rodeo at school (yeah that's what we do in Idaho). I was telling my friend how it was something I wanted to do. Her roommate happened to be in charge of the people riding in the upcoming weekends rodeo. I told her I waited to long to sign up...I was bummed. Later that night she called and said a girl had dropped out and if I wanted to I was in! It was so intense and I freaked out a little and then alot as they wanted me to get on this 700 pound steer! I lasted 2.8 seconds before slamming to the ground. I literally thought I walked away with a few broken ribs and concussion, but I sucked it up, got up, and ran for the gate. Best adrenaline rush in my life! Definitely a once in a life time experience.
5. Raft down the Colorado River through the Grand
Canyon- I love rafting and have done it multiple times down the Youghiogheny River,
both the rapids and the scenic tour. I have never been to the Grand Canyon and I
think this would be a great way to experience it.
6. Backpack through New Zealand- I love back packing,
so going anywhere would be amazing. But I have seen and heard people who have
gone there and how beautiful the country is. Ideally I would stay in a hostel and
be a bum for about a month as I walk to countryside.
8. Become an ASL interpreter- I love working with
children with special needs. I have never had the opportunity to take ASL classes
but after I graduate I want to get my MBA in Deaf Education. I find sign
language fascinating, and that even though people are limited on one of the
senses they are still able to communicate. I would love to offer that service
to people.
9. Ride on a hot air balloon- I have just recently
gotten over my fear of flying, but I think that this would still be a neat experience.
$170 for an hour of flying where ever the wind takes you! To me that sounds
10. Run a relay marathon-Like I said, I hate running.
But I could push myself and as long as I finish I am happy with myself. Check. Didn't do this by myself either but it was more than a 26 mile marathon. We ran from Rexburg to Idaho Falls (the long way) 38.5 miles. There were supposed to be 8 in our group but 1 guy decided not to show. So we split up his leg and ran extra. We ranked 12th overall out of 72 teams with a time of 5 hours and 5 minutes! I have never been so tired and sore, but we had a blast the entire day!
11. Go ice fishing- Well I love regular fishing and this
is sort of like that but colder. The whole little hut experience would be neat,
but not necessary.
12. Visit a rain forest-Why not?! Except my awesome abilities
to catch random diseases and sicknesses, besides that…..
14. Stand at the four corners Colorado, Arizona,
Utah, New Mexico- to me that is fascinating, right now I feel like I live so
close maybe I will make the trip.
15. See a sunset/sunrise in Maine- so romantic, inside sources tell me that it is worth it!
16. Work with handicapped children- I am pretty much
there. I have worked with a variety of children already from speech problems
caused by a cleft pallet/lip, to differing degrees of autism and developmental
disorders. That was just from my college experiences, working with families and
their children would make me the happiest person.
18. Take a spontaneous trip- I have a friend, Martin,
who was telling me how one day he would love to just go to the airport and find
the cheapest flight and where ever it is, go! Hop on that plane with no plan in
mind, but have an amazing trip. I have not forgotten that idea and would love
to do it someday.
19. Spend the night in a castle in Ireland or
Scotland- It’s my heritage…and way sweet!
20. Get punched in the face- This sounds so weird I
know, but I want to know what it’s like spontaneously being slapped in the
21. Make a list of 100 movies/100 books and watch and
read them all- I love to read! This would be a great goal for me. I know that I
have already read over 100 books, I wish I knew how many I have read in my
lifetime. When I find a good book I just can’t put it down, literally.
I don't know how I feel about you telling the internet to punch you in the face. BUT I love this! i love bucket lists! woot woot I wanna bike to DC too! If you want company on this trip you should so invite me. and jeremy. I want in on that one. I also want in on four corners I live right next to you sheesh! how far is it? The rain forest though... you're probably on your own =)
ReplyDeleteThis is a really cool list. If Erin and I ever move out to Arizona which is soon I hope, you can always come stay with us because kayaking down the through the Grand Canyon is something I will do. Good luck with everything.