This week’s reading is about Christ being baptized by John and the variety of things we can learn from this experience in the scriptures,
John knew that it was the Savior coming to him and knew that the Savior had no need to be baptized because he was perfect, He was the Son of God. I think that is pretty much how I would feel if Christ walked up to me and asked that of me. But I know that the Lord prepares his people for the things he has in store for them. Heavenly Father prepared John for this part of his life.
The things that we learn from these scriptures and passages are about the Holy Ghost. Christ said that he looked up and saw the Holy Ghost descending upon him. To me this is like when we are confirmed the Holy Ghost after we are baptized. Except this was Christ the Savior and the Holy Ghost descended upon him like a dove.
Why was Christ baptized? That is a good question…he was perfect already and being baptized is washing away our sins, so then why?
1. To fulfill all righteousness
2. To let the world know that he also is obedient in keeping Gods commandments
3. To be an example to the world that everyone should be baptized
I think the last part of my questions is the best! The question is….what evidence is given in the scriptures that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are 3 separate beings? Well if you read in Matthew 3:16-17, the answer is given straight forward. JESUS was the one being baptized. Then he looked up and saw the HOLY GHOST descending upon him. Lastly the FATHER spoke to Christ saying how pleased He was with his son following his commandments. To me there is no way this could all be one. But there are some people out there who believe that there are the same. They work together so much that sometimes it seems like they are the same but they are all working together to help us on this journey we like to call life.
As I think of Christ’s baptism there is no doubt that I think back to my very own baptism almost 13 years ago. I had mine together with another little girl in my ward because we had birthdays around the same time. I wanted my own special day at first but then I was okay in sharing it with her. I was so excited that my dad came, that was pretty much the only time I have ever seen him in a church building. It meant a lot to me for him to do that. I was able to be baptized by my cousin Justin Shook and then confirmed by my Uncle Gary Shook. The main thing that I remember from being confirmed is that he could not say my last name right, he said it with the /f/ sound, but I let it slide. I always wish that as time goes on I could remember talks given and inspirational words given to me, but the only thing that I remember is something that on that day I was 100% positive that I was going to forget by the next week…well guess what, 13 years later I haven’t forgotten. Brother Meyers was an older guy in the ward who watched me grow. I think at the time he was in the bishopric or a secretary or something. He spoke at everyone’s baptism and he always gave each child the same thing, a very small little flashlight. With that he told us that we had been given the gift of the Holy Ghost and it will be a light in our lives. He gave us the flashlight and said that every single time I turn it on I will think of the words that he said and remember it as the light of the Holy Ghost. I thought that was great as an 8 year old and cherished it. Every few years I would pull out my flashlight and recall the words spoken to me on my baptism day. I don’t think of it with every flashlight I use but that one has very special meaning to me in reminding me the guidance I have as a member of this church and while I am on this earth. I know this church is true and love how well everything fits together and is evident in Heavenly Fathers plan.
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