In Luke 1:14 Zacharias was told that he was going to have a son, even in his old age. And that because of this son he shall have, "much joy and gladness and many will rejoice at his birth."
Now the question is this, why? That is an everyday question that people ask themselves all the time. And now I am asking myself that. Why is John going to be born to such old parents? Why is he going to bring such happiness to the people, he is just a normal man?
Well in my studying of the scriptures and other material I hopefully am going to answer those questions for myself and if anyone else was wondering as well.
First you have to understand that Zacharias and Elizabeth were awesome people, they were good parents and had a great lineage. That was important as he received the priesthood and became entrusted in a most important mission of baptizing the Savior. No big deal right?! Yes they were old in age but with Heavenly Father age doesnt mean much when He has a job for you to accomplish. And one might think as in our day, that John had to be just green with jealousy because he was not the Savior. But this was not the case at all. He learned all he could from Christ and became one of his apostles. He is a great example of a true follower of Christ. He was later imprisoned and killed in jail.
I love the men in the scriptures that are so faithful, and i know it might seem easier for them because they were actually living on the earth with Christ, but there are always those who want to persecute those followers because of their lack of faith. Even though I do not live in the same time of Christ, I know that he is always with me and trying to teach me everyday what he was preaching while on the earth.
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