It was really nice one Saturday and so my roommate and some friends decided to go hiking up Big Cottonwood Canyon. Now we are all in shorts or capris not thinking that its going to be cold up in the mountains, let alone so much snow!
It is a really easy hike and some great views.
So here is the story...The snow was really deep one Saturday afternoon in the mountains. I thought it would be fun to see how far i could sink in the snow. So I backed up got a running start and jumped into the untouched snowy area.....
...and it was almost solid ice! I did not sink in and landed hard on my bum...
...and continued to slide onto my back!
I was not happy with how that turned out. A little bit later Vanessa was walking and decided to just try and stomp her foot in and it went deep she almost fell over. So I decided this was a better spot to try again. This attempt ended up working a whole lot better. There was still some ice under the snow but I was able to break through it at the cost of scratching up my legs pretty badly. But almost sinking in up to my waist was worth it!
i like this.