Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sub for Santa

I have a friend Rob who is an amazing person. Every year he likes to do a sub for Santa for a family. He is from Utah and has a lot of family, friends, and a great singles ward that are all willing to help out and that is exactly what happened this Christmas. Rob knows that I teach in a more difficult part of town with families that could always use a little bit of help. He asked if I would find a family for him to help this year. The hard part for me would to pick which one. So I talked to my school social worker about who she thought was in greatest need in the whole school. It does so happen that one of the children are in my class. We decided on the BIG family. We talked to mom and got as much information as we could on what they needed and hoe we could best help. I have never had so much fun serving others. In about 5 or 6 weeks we collected as much stuff as we could and got together for 2 nights in a row and wrapped SO many presents. Rob is like my dad and a perfectionist wrapper. That may have slowed down the process but I am pretty sure total we wrapped presents for 8 hours! It was insane! While we were wrapping we had more people bringing last minute stuff and then of course there was  the last minute runs to Walmart.

After finishing we stood back for a minute just amazed at the sight of the basement. Then we completely filled up my car for me to take to school the next day. When mom of the BIG family came to get the gifts she started crying when I opened up my car. We had a couple of us there transferring the everything from my car to hers, and its a good thing she drove an expedition! My heart was so full of gratitude that we were able to help out this wonderful family at Christmas time. Mom told me that she was so worried how she was going to get 7 kids presents for Christmas. Well she didn't have to worry because this year we took care of them!

Thank you so much Rob for letting me be apart of this and for helping one of my students and their family. It is something that I will never forget and I hope that I can help in the future as well.

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