Saturday, December 7, 2013

Doctor Visits

 The doctor visits started in October and seemed to last forever. I did a lot of filling out paperwork and sitting in waiting rooms. Luckily I got smart enough to start bringing things to grade and got a lot done while waiting.

 I was connected to a heart monitor for a month and the only great thing about it was I had a friend suggest carry everything around in a fanny pack and that's just what I did! I think I got a lot of silly looks and questions asked but it worked out perfectly!

 While I was not looking forward to my week of doctor visits I just happen to have some really great friends that made me feel super awesome! There was one particular day that I started at the hospital in the morning getting set up with my heart monitor. Then I went to the Neurologist and had an EEG done which they hook up a ton of little prickly things to your head and watch what your brain does during certain test like sleeping, strobe lights, and when hyperventilating. Lets just say it wasn't as fun as it sounds. Then I went to another building to have and MRI of my brain done. By the time it was all over I was exhausted and just wanted to go home. My friend Ashley had made me this little thing to help me get through each day of the week with a little note, quote, and a piece of candy or treat. I think I cried everyday that I opened it up! Then I had some other friends bring me the most amazing cupcakes ever. Many times I think I got way to lucky with the friends that I have, they are the best!

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