I. Love. Home.
I thought about surprising her again but I felt like I needed her to know that I was coming to be there for her. When I called her on the phone and told her I had something to tell/ask her, she jumped to the conclusion that I was getting married! (later that night talking to my mom she did the same thing!) Anyway I told her I was coming and she just started crying and said I love you Megan! That moment right there was why I knew this was right.
Valentine's day 2013 is going down in history as the best one ever. I did wake up around 4am from a text from Erica saying that Pappy Guy had officially passed that morning, and as sad and heartbreaking as that was I had some good conversations with Heavenly Father about taking care of my Pappy Guy for me now that he was with Him. But then I went to school where my children are crazy like always and to add on I handed out 6 dozen cupcakes to keep them on sugar highs all day and then passed out more candy with valentine cards.
I just had to capture her hands in food because she hates being sticky and gross and I just laughed!
(This is not me!)
Looking through old pictures to find ones of pappy. It makes you feel like part of the family when you find pictures of yourself in another families photos!
Sometimes we always like to eat or are hungry! So one night we decided to get a pizza from the Pie Shoppe and watch the Penguins game at home. We called in the order to pick it up as we were passing. We just decided that we were hungry we would get a large, not asking how many slices! Well we were in for a big surprise and when we saw it all we could do was laugh! To us it was hysterical and the lady working my have thought we were nuts but we just kept making jokes about how we did not expect it to be so big. I will say that it barely fit in the car and that brought on a whole new laughing fit!
Oh I had to get a Pie Shoppe gob and it was just like I remembered!!
Another night we went to Eat n Park and afterwards Jeff and I really wanted the smiley cookie so we bought the big ones! When you are little they give these to you for free, but not anymore since we are so big I guess!
I did spend a lot of the weekend with the Beitel's at the funeral home. 3 viewings and a funeral service were enough for the whole town of Jeannette to come and pay their respects to this great man. Erica and I over the years have just been in agreeance that you bottle up our emotions and don't let anyone see you be weak. Well every once in a while the bottle gets too full and the top pops off. I am glad I got to be there for her when her top popped because not many people understand me like she does and I also don't think a lot of people understand her like I do. I guess that's why this friendship is so amazing and rare.
The amazing Pappy Albert Guy
During some down time as we were waiting. One is Jeff's and the other is mine, can you guess whose is whose!? hahahaha
It was an amazing service and then driving up to the graveyard and seeing the 2 firetrucks with ladders up and hanging an American flag, was so cool. I can't even begin to describe how much this man gave to people around him and loved them, because I don't even know. I only knew him in his late 80's until he was 96! That's a lot of years of doing good that I missed.
Sometimes you just need your best friend...I love you Geeka
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