Obviously you know this, but let me just remind you that today is your birthday!

To start, when I graduated high school you were there to support
me in Ligonier. When I graduated college you were there to support me
in Idaho. So many miles apart but that didn't keep you or the family
from coming to be there for me. That week you guys were here still holds
some of my favorite memories. It doesn't matter how old we get I know
the you and Kevin and Mom and Dad will be there with me every step of
the way.

I also remember always wanting a sister, but who needs one when you have a brother like you. (What are the chances we could get Kevin to stop growing mustaches during Christmas so he stops ruining our pictures! Haha just kidding Kevin...but really.)
Yeah for matching power drills!
My only question is why are we dressed and not still in pajamas!?
Another tradition that I want to mention that we have recently started is our sibling days. When I come home I love those days the most. Just Kevin, you, and I having fun and being chill! Whether it is bowling or the Pirates game they are always so fun. We have so many inside jokes that we can always refer to and let's be honest we are really comical people so all we do is laugh and have a good time. Sometimes I can be real awkward around people but with you guys, you already know that I am crazy and you still love me anyway!
want you to know that the days we have spent as siblings are great, but
with the rest of the family is equally as awesome. Whether that be with
mom and dad or if we through in some awesome grandparents, cool
cousins, and amazing aunts and uncles. There is a saying that we can
choose our friends but we can't choose our family,
and that is okay with me because I ended up with the best family.
Whether it has been on family vacations or just little get togethers in
Plum or Monroeville, they are always great and I can feel the love.
mean if you just look at the next 8 pictures and remember each of those
days I am sure it will also bring back memories and hopefully make you
laugh. Here are some things I remember...
How much of a struggle it was to get you guys to take this picture!
An amazing 3 day trip with the coolest aunt and unlce and grandparents at Cedar point!
Look at that red face!
Totally a hockey family!
down the scenic route. Kevin and I taking the rocky path and having to
walk around the island. Biking after with Grandma and Pappap. Grandma's
awesome ice cream obsession!
The competition is intense in this family! Trying to get you guys to do a hole-in-one dance and me getting one on hole 18!
Looking real good, dancing the night away, and being able to see my family for a short weekend!
Uh, why did I pop my collar? Do we have squinty Asian eyes?
I don't have a picture of this next one but I wish I did! When people think of big brothers they think of them being super protective.
Someone asked if my brothers were really protective of me and I had to
think about it. As I lay in bed the other night I though of being in 7th
grade and I bursted out laughing for a good 5 minutes. I am wondering
if you know where this story is going....let me remind you. We were
getting on the bus after school, I believe, and as I was sitting there
this kid (Wesley) and he came up and tried to kiss me. Now I never
really knew if it was because you didn't like him or you were being an
awesome big brother but you took my Algebra book and smashed him over
the head with it. Mona the bus driver pretend to not see and just
chuckled under her smile. I also have to point out that when you handed
me my book back, my hard cover book binding was broken! I will admit
that I was very proud of you that day.
I think that people forget about me now that I currently live so far
away, but I know you don't. I remember your first time out west and me
being so proud to be able to show you guys my new temporary home. I
remember Kevin saying he liked Salt Lake City because it smelled like
bacon and all you wanted to see was a tumbleweed. I am still sad that
did not happen but also a great excuse for you to come back. It was not a
beautiful day as we entered Idaho, but the cold is kind of what we are
known for! The whole time I was so excited you guys were even there, I
knew that it was one of my favorite days ever. And come on we went to
the Teton Dam Museum and saw a troll riding a horse! It is the small moments and much laughter that we share all the time that I love. And knowing that when we spend time together it was like we were never apart.
we were in Moab we had really great adventures! I think the lower
picture basically describes the difference between me and my brothers.
But yet as you get older you are breaking out of a shell and becoming
more crazy like me, whether that is a good thing or bad I am not sure!
But you went out on a limb and let me take the picture of you like you
were on the titanic!
I love this picture because I just remember us sitting in the car not
wanting to touch each other because we were so sunburnt and radiating so
much heat!
just want to end by saying how grateful I am for a brother like you.
The laughs, the jokes, the memories all stay with me as I thank God
everyday for the family I have and those that love me. You support me, love me, share the laughter of stupid things, and are there for me when I need a big brother. I
know that it my not be normal for some people to be so close with their
siblings from the beginning, but I am glad I was. The time we could
have spent fighting we instead spent playing at the Cairns house or
playing floor hockey/baseball, watching movies/tv, or ice skating, or
any of the sports we spent so much time playing in the backyard. And
even though we both moved out of the house memories like that will
continue as we get older and stay just as close as we are now.
I love you and always will big brother
The best sister in the world!
This was not planned just shows how alike we are!