November 13- I am grateful for music. I. Love. Christmas. Music. I don't think I could ever say that enough. I think secretly my brothers are glad that I no longer am with them everyday from October to December because that is about the time period I listen to Christmas music! It is just so happy and cheerful! If you were wondering my all time favorite song is I Want A Hippopotamus for Christmas! I think it was 2 years ago that I got 3 hippopotamus' for Christmas, SO GREAT!
November 16- I am grateful for the 6th grade classes at my school. Next week at school I am doing an activity with all of the first graders. We are making hand print wreaths. I made one of my own and it is so cute. It was after the fact when I started gathering materials and such when I actually did the math as to how many hands I was going to need. Approximately 12 hands per wreath for 125 first graders.....yeah that's 1500! I don't have that kind of time to cut that out. But thankfully teachers are willing to let their students help. I am so so so thankful for them!
November 17- I am grateful for friends. I do not know how I have passed this one up so far this month. I have been so blessed as to make friends fairly easy and be able to really get along with some great people. I do have some really great friends and we have some pretty great times. I am especially grateful for those friends I was able to make in Utah (pretty much a foreign country to me)!
November 18- I am grateful for Tess Barker and missionaries. Tess is going on a mission in 10 days to New York! Today at church was her fair well. Her brother Dylan also spoke and between the 2 of them it was such an amazing hour to sit and listen! I am also grateful for the missionaries in the field serving right now! Erika has been gone for 17 months and comes home so soon! I cannot wait to see her again and hear of all her amazing experiences.
November 19- I am grateful for Corinne Lingard who keeps a smile on my face. I was sitting in my room this morning and I did not she was home from college yet and all of a sudden I hear little mermaid really really loud. All I could do was laugh and keep listening. Thank you Corinne for keeping me laughing!
November 20- I am grateful for wonderful supportive teachers in the first grade. Jeanna, Jenni, Wendi, and Kelly are such a big support in my first year in helping me. Even though Jenni, Wendi, and Kelly are also new teachers we do this together. I also have to thrown in Trent, Allisen, Amber, and so many others for their help in support of some of my crazies!
November 21- I am grateful for service. Thanks to loving parents who taught me the importance of serving others and not only thinking about ourselves. Thank you dad for taking the time and inviting me to help serve at the chicken dinners every year at Fort Days and taking me with you to work the food pantry. I miss going every November and so I started the tradition back up and I went today.
November 22- I am grateful for a day off of school for everyone to in theory celebrate what they are thankful for. I see the blessings more readily as I sit and write down one each day. I am thankful for great friends to invite me over for delicious dinners when I am not able to be with family today. But I am also thankful for my family and that I have the opportunity to see them in about a month!

November 24- I am grateful for Nicole Ellis and even though she is married she still comes to hang out with me. We made a trip to Ikea, squeezed our own lemonade, played skipbo, waited for my new mattress, helped make my new bed, ate leftovers, and painted sweet ornaments. Nicole you are the coolest and I am glad that we have been friends for 12+ years!
November 25- I am grateful for the scriptures. The Book of Mormon, Bible , and Doctrine and Covenants. I am grateful for payers being answered through the scriptures and the chance to study them with a great friend. A friend who is willing to share thoughts, insights, and revelations as they come. I am grateful for the spirit that was present to make our time even better.
November 26- I am grateful for my amazing mother! Today is her 50th birthday and while we joke around about that she is joining the 50's club, I see no sign of her actually acting or looking her age. She is active and works hard all the time and never really stops going. She is an awesome example to be of how a mother raises children and treats her family. She has been a big support in everything since the day I was brought into this world by her, (not the easiest way either). My mom has supported my decisions in everything from going to Idaho for school to now living in Utah for the time being. I could go on and on, but again I am just so grateful to have turned out to be such an amazing daughter! (she had to get it right, she only had one :)! I love you so much Mom, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
November 27- I am grateful for I am grateful for the good friends in my life. I have made so many friends that are always pushing me to be a better person. I did not like my singles ward at first in Utah but finally I got involved and have made some really great friends that like to help keep me busy! Not only do I have friends in Utah but all over the country!
November 28- I am grateful for airplanes. I have to express my gratitude that I have been able to get over my fear and just go with it. I figured out this year I have spent over $3,500 on plane tickets....whoops lol I guess that is what you get when you live on the other side of the country from a family that you love and kind of like to see a lot!
November 29- I am grateful for I am grateful for food. I enjoy eating even though I can be a picky eater. I am grateful I have the means to buy and make my own food and not go hungry. I am grateful that I don't have to eat left over thrown away pizza out of the dumpster after Little Caesars throws it away. (that's a story for another time).
November 30- I am grateful for sweet friends that are allowing me to move into their humble abode tomorrow. I will be living with some pretty sweet ladies! The house is pretty great as well. Good times here we come! Moving kind of stinks but when you have as much stuff as me (a jeep full) it is not a very hard task. I packed everything, loaded the jeep, drove 3 miles, unloaded, and unpacked everything in about 3 hours.
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