Thursday, December 13, 2012


I feel like I have always enjoyed being active and playing sports. I started with the typical little girl and did the tap dance and jazz dance. But that was not for me. Then I remember moving and trying out gymnastics. That also did not last long. Then came soccer, t-ball, and swimming. I did each for a year or two and then quit. T-ball eventually lad into softball, and after taking a few years hiatus from swimming I returned again. I also tried out basketball and really hated that. For years the swimming and softball would stick with me all the way until I graduated high school. I even swam a little bit in college. I loved hockey but stuck to watching and not really playing, I would play floor hockey in the basement or in the winter on the ice rink. I loved going to games and being my brothers biggest fans. Junior and senior year of high school I played on the powder puff teams, one year tying and the second year winning. Like I said I love being involved and active. These so far are all pretty much team sports and does not include all the games of pickle, wiffle ball, frisbee, bag-o and so on that went on in the big backyard.

I always feel better when I am being active and since moving to Utah I have become active again. Lately I have helped play on a friends flag football team, ward volleyball, lots of frisbee in the summer, and also softball games during the summer as well. It feels good to be so involved, except volleyball lately has taken its toll on me. I have never been seriously injured in all my years of sports, just the occasional bruises and bumps and scraps. These recent volleyball games have taken there toll on my legs though.  Right before our tournament I decided I needed knee pads and they helped, but when I took them off after 5 hours they sure were bloody!

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