I drove over with two of my friends Clay and Kaila. We left early Thursday morning and I won't even lie I slept from when we left the house until about 10 miles from the California border! I love road trips like that, it makes them go a lot faster :) We got to San Jose early enough that we were able to hang out with boy Aaron for a while (he has become a good friend through dating my roommate). He mentioned that Erin's mom was having a surprise bridal shower for her that night. I was a little worried that Erin was not going to be happy since it was the night before she was getting married and figured she would want to relax but it was a lot of fun and am glad that we had some time to spend together. She has this really great lemon tree in her back yard and I may have stolen some on my way out! Ok I really didn't steal them she told me to take as many as I wanted since her family barely eats them. I took 10 :)
The reception was equally as beautiful and so many cute things from pintrest! It was a beautiful night and not too hot like a August California day. I am so happy for my wonderful friends and wish them all the happiness in the world.
On Saturday we took advantage of being so close to San Fransisco and took a journey down there to check it out. My only goals were to see the Golden Gate Bridge, ride a trolley, and touch the Pacific ocean. For the most part I got to accomplish all 3! The city was soooo foggy that day of course so I did not get a wonderful view of the bridge. It I guess it was good enough. The ocean was so cold although the air was really only 50 degrees that day anyway. But I ran straight in and played around for a bit and it was super exciting to me:) also I did get to ride my trolley, and that made me again very happy. It was a great time and one of those things in life that make me genuinely happy! We did not get to go to Alcatraz but could see the jail and island and I enjoyed learning more about that. We did see the seals on the pier that is apparently pretty famous but I had never heard of, but they were neat to watch and way funny!
We then had to drive the long way back on Sunday but overall it really was a fun trip! I would love to go back to California again someday and see even more of it. But for now I had a good taste of it.
I love my Aaron and Erin!
ROOMIES :) our third one is serving a mission and could not be there :( We thought of you though Erika
I went upstairs to spike their drinks with monsters and red bull!
I was told I needed to catch the bouquet and I will tell you what I fought for that thing! Ok so everyone else just kind of stood there :)
I love this trolley and the man that was driving it!
These toilet were just in the middle of the street. It was like a robot. I had a hard time trying to figure how to open it, but just so you know the door opens after you are in there for 20 minutes!
There is a road that has 18 (i think) hairpin turns in like a mile. There was a long line to wait to go down the street but we waited and got lucky. It is also downhill which makes it worse but it is pretty crazy cool. The pictures couldn't really capture it, but I tried.
All I wanted to see was the bridge, well this is mostly what I got :( We did end up driving across and got a little better view from the other side which made me happy.
I was so happy! It was so cold though!!!
I love this street and want to live there!
you lived with erin for 25 years??? =)