I guess it is time to sit down and write about school. It is my first year and I have successfully stayed alive for my first 3 weeks. I work at David Gourley Elementary School as a first grade teacher in south Salt Lake City Utah. 75% of my school is below the poverty mark and about 70 % are Hispanics and 10-15% Pacific Islanders leaving a few white kids in my class. If your wondering I did plan on teaching kids with disabilities and that day will still come but for now I'm just in general education.
When I first decided to take this job at this specific school part of mydecision was because I got along with the principal so well. He helped a lot in the weeks leading up to school. Then about 1week before school he sent me a email saying he was sorry but he was going to be moving to another school. I almost betrayed and lost a lot of confidence in myself because I knew no one at the school and I felt alone. But those are things that we all feel in our lives many times. I went to talk to him before he left and heat me down and gave me some great advice.
1. You area first year teacher don't expect to be perfect.
2. Leave school t school
3. You are doing good if you go home everyday still breathing and wake up the morning still breathing, that's all that matters.
There was more wise advice and those were all things I have been told before, but hearing intone last time from him made it finally hit home. But despite finally believing it I went against the first 2 pieces of advice and tried to be perfect and took school home and worked on it a lot. When week 2 started and week 1 was nothing like I expected I realized I needed again to try David's advice to me. When something would go wrong I would sit and think about it after school and then I would just laugh...seriously that helps everything.
Since finishing 3 weeks I realize that everyday is still a challenge while I figure things out, but I have lots of help. My new principal and assistant principal are great as well as my other first grade teachers. Although out of the 5 first grade teachers 3 of us are new to teaching...sometimes we wonder if the first grade will even move on to second grade! There are days that I feel like somehow nothing got accomplished and that my kids leave hating me, but that is even something I have gotten over.
I am a teacher and if you ask if I love it, I will tell you no. I have not found that pure joy getting up every morning to drive to school for another day of yelling and struggling to get through alesson. But I am starting to like it more everyday. We are starting to get into a routine and when my kids finally can show me they can follow the rules and not act like they are 2 then I think I will like it even more.and don't worry I will let you know when I start to love it, but for now I am still breathing and patiently wait for weekends to come. I am a teacher.
Kids cry everyday for whatever reasons and i am always the shoulder to cry on. My class has already gone through more tissues than I would I a year. I am the giver of band aids to make boo boos stop hurting. I am the one they run to the moment they figured out something for themselves. I a the one they telleverything to, even if parents don't want me knowing. They hate me for a minute then run over and give me a hug. My kids looked like they were going to tie me up when I told them they were going to have a substitute on Friday. They also told me if it was the same guy as last week they would never talk to me again.
Most of the time I have no idea what is going on in their tiny little hands but despite all of it...I have found I love all of them already. Even my girl who interrupts class every 5 seconds to tap dance or scream at the top of her lungs, even the boy whose voice is always whinny, or the boy does that farting thing with his armpit, the girl who cuts hair or glues her shoes together, my little space cadets who never knows what's going on, or my precious children who always listen and pay attention.
These are who my kids are and I love them.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Monday, September 3, 2012
On a recent trip I took I was able to check 2 more states off of my list to bring my total to 34! Hopefully before too long I will be able to get to all 50. My reason for checking off Nevada and California were due to my good friend Erin's wedding that was in Oakland and a reception in San Jose. I lived with Erin for 2.5 years while attending college. She always told me how much she lived California and I have always wanted to visit and her wedding was the perfect excuse, I also take a lot of credit in introducing her to her new husband whose name is also Aaron.
I drove over with two of my friends Clay and Kaila. We left early Thursday morning and I won't even lie I slept from when we left the house until about 10 miles from the California border! I love road trips like that, it makes them go a lot faster :) We got to San Jose early enough that we were able to hang out with boy Aaron for a while (he has become a good friend through dating my roommate). He mentioned that Erin's mom was having a surprise bridal shower for her that night. I was a little worried that Erin was not going to be happy since it was the night before she was getting married and figured she would want to relax but it was a lot of fun and am glad that we had some time to spend together. She has this really great lemon tree in her back yard and I may have stolen some on my way out! Ok I really didn't steal them she told me to take as many as I wanted since her family barely eats them. I took 10 :)
Friday morning we got up and met Erin to help with hair and getting ready and then drove to Oakland temple for the wedding. I was it able to go into the temple at this time, but I know it was wonderful and man did she look gorgeous! We had a lunch at a nice little Mexican restaurant and then picked up some energy drinks at a gas station for Erin and Aaron because I could tell they were going to need them to get through the reception.
The reception was equally as beautiful and so many cute things from pintrest! It was a beautiful night and not too hot like a August California day. I am so happy for my wonderful friends and wish them all the happiness in the world.
On Saturday we took advantage of being so close to San Fransisco and took a journey down there to check it out. My only goals were to see the Golden Gate Bridge, ride a trolley, and touch the Pacific ocean. For the most part I got to accomplish all 3! The city was soooo foggy that day of course so I did not get a wonderful view of the bridge. It I guess it was good enough. The ocean was so cold although the air was really only 50 degrees that day anyway. But I ran straight in and played around for a bit and it was super exciting to me:) also I did get to ride my trolley, and that made me again very happy. It was a great time and one of those things in life that make me genuinely happy! We did not get to go to Alcatraz but could see the jail and island and I enjoyed learning more about that. We did see the seals on the pier that is apparently pretty famous but I had never heard of, but they were neat to watch and way funny!
We then had to drive the long way back on Sunday but overall it really was a fun trip! I would love to go back to California again someday and see even more of it. But for now I had a good taste of it.
I drove over with two of my friends Clay and Kaila. We left early Thursday morning and I won't even lie I slept from when we left the house until about 10 miles from the California border! I love road trips like that, it makes them go a lot faster :) We got to San Jose early enough that we were able to hang out with boy Aaron for a while (he has become a good friend through dating my roommate). He mentioned that Erin's mom was having a surprise bridal shower for her that night. I was a little worried that Erin was not going to be happy since it was the night before she was getting married and figured she would want to relax but it was a lot of fun and am glad that we had some time to spend together. She has this really great lemon tree in her back yard and I may have stolen some on my way out! Ok I really didn't steal them she told me to take as many as I wanted since her family barely eats them. I took 10 :)
The reception was equally as beautiful and so many cute things from pintrest! It was a beautiful night and not too hot like a August California day. I am so happy for my wonderful friends and wish them all the happiness in the world.
On Saturday we took advantage of being so close to San Fransisco and took a journey down there to check it out. My only goals were to see the Golden Gate Bridge, ride a trolley, and touch the Pacific ocean. For the most part I got to accomplish all 3! The city was soooo foggy that day of course so I did not get a wonderful view of the bridge. It I guess it was good enough. The ocean was so cold although the air was really only 50 degrees that day anyway. But I ran straight in and played around for a bit and it was super exciting to me:) also I did get to ride my trolley, and that made me again very happy. It was a great time and one of those things in life that make me genuinely happy! We did not get to go to Alcatraz but could see the jail and island and I enjoyed learning more about that. We did see the seals on the pier that is apparently pretty famous but I had never heard of, but they were neat to watch and way funny!
We then had to drive the long way back on Sunday but overall it really was a fun trip! I would love to go back to California again someday and see even more of it. But for now I had a good taste of it.
I love my Aaron and Erin!
ROOMIES :) our third one is serving a mission and could not be there :( We thought of you though Erika
I went upstairs to spike their drinks with monsters and red bull!
I was told I needed to catch the bouquet and I will tell you what I fought for that thing! Ok so everyone else just kind of stood there :)
I love this trolley and the man that was driving it!
These toilet were just in the middle of the street. It was like a robot. I had a hard time trying to figure how to open it, but just so you know the door opens after you are in there for 20 minutes!
There is a road that has 18 (i think) hairpin turns in like a mile. There was a long line to wait to go down the street but we waited and got lucky. It is also downhill which makes it worse but it is pretty crazy cool. The pictures couldn't really capture it, but I tried.
All I wanted to see was the bridge, well this is mostly what I got :( We did end up driving across and got a little better view from the other side which made me happy.
I was so happy! It was so cold though!!!
I love this street and want to live there!

My good friend Jenna got married! I am so happy for her, Kristina and I would not have made it through Preschool without this wonderful girl. That was one of my favorite semesters ever.
I've already mentioned that my friend Erin got married but I wanted to include her in the list of some of the wedding I attended in a few weeks time.
This one time there was this RODEO...
I just go back to Utah last week and my friends Clay and Kayla wanted to go to this big rodeo down in the heart of Nephi. I have wanted to go to a real rodeo for a while now and this was the perfect opportunity. Oh the adventures that came out of that night!
All during the night I kept thinking back to the night that I was in a rodeo. It was just a small little thing in Idaho, but I still rode on the back of a 900 pound steer for approximately 3 seconds. To me that is legit. But all the nerves kept returning whe. I would see someone about to leave the gate for their ride.
Our night started by leaving Orem to had down south to Nephi. About halfway there we blew a tire in Clay's car. That had never actually happened to any of us before but we all new what to do, but Clay did a great job changing the tire by himself without our help. We did offer our service but he didn't want it, so instead Kaila and I picked sunflowers that were along the side of the road. We found that very funny. Luckily where we were on the side of the road was almost to the next exit off the freeway which just so happened he had family there. He called them up and told them the situation. It was decided that if his car could make it to their house we could barrow one of their cars to go the rest of the way.
We made it to Mona where his family lived and I don't remember the whole situation but the car we took was their old Bronco. At first no one could find the keys though, but hey what do you know they were in the ignition. Later we found out why. We piled in and drove uneventfully the rest of the way. Luckily we left early enough that we were not late yet. As we parked and started to get out Clay could not get the keys out of the ignition! He tried for a few minutes and we figured that was why they had been left in the truck. There was an extra key on the ring so we took it off left a window open a bit, locked the doors and left, hoping no one would realize the key was there and steal it.
Like I said before I was really excited to watch this rodeo and I was told that they do something to open it that is really awesome. Luckily we didn't miss it because it truly was amazing. They started by singing God Bless the USA and then the national anthem. While this was going on a man had jumped out of an airplane and was carrying this huge American flag with him as he soared to the ground. He landed exactly I the middle of the arena and a ton of military men ran out grabbed the flag and spread it out across the arena. It was so cool to see and for whatever reason made me stop and think how grateful I am to live I America.
The rodeo then started and the horse racs, cattle are downs, and bull riding got on its way. Watching the pros do it made it look easy but I know how that is not true at all. Some of my favorite things to watch were the little kids ride cows, horses pulled sleds behind them and people had to try and jump on, and watching a remote control car scare bulls back into the pens.
After the rodeo was over we were walking away and I heard them announce a race for woman 18 and over to join. I hard that I an back over and jumped in the arena. They spead money of the dirt and we had to race for it. I'm just gonna say that I pushed some people down and I came out of there $1.50 richer tha whe. I went in! It was just 50 cent pieces they threw down. I still felt successful.
We the went to the fair for a bit and then to check to make sure the car was still there.
It was. We ended up making it back safely to the house, but it sure was a night to remember and full of a lot of laughing. Because really when things like that happen really all there is to do is laugh! That is my philosophy :)

Our night started by leaving Orem to had down south to Nephi. About halfway there we blew a tire in Clay's car. That had never actually happened to any of us before but we all new what to do, but Clay did a great job changing the tire by himself without our help. We did offer our service but he didn't want it, so instead Kaila and I picked sunflowers that were along the side of the road. We found that very funny. Luckily where we were on the side of the road was almost to the next exit off the freeway which just so happened he had family there. He called them up and told them the situation. It was decided that if his car could make it to their house we could barrow one of their cars to go the rest of the way.
We made it to Mona where his family lived and I don't remember the whole situation but the car we took was their old Bronco. At first no one could find the keys though, but hey what do you know they were in the ignition. Later we found out why. We piled in and drove uneventfully the rest of the way. Luckily we left early enough that we were not late yet. As we parked and started to get out Clay could not get the keys out of the ignition! He tried for a few minutes and we figured that was why they had been left in the truck. There was an extra key on the ring so we took it off left a window open a bit, locked the doors and left, hoping no one would realize the key was there and steal it.
Like I said before I was really excited to watch this rodeo and I was told that they do something to open it that is really awesome. Luckily we didn't miss it because it truly was amazing. They started by singing God Bless the USA and then the national anthem. While this was going on a man had jumped out of an airplane and was carrying this huge American flag with him as he soared to the ground. He landed exactly I the middle of the arena and a ton of military men ran out grabbed the flag and spread it out across the arena. It was so cool to see and for whatever reason made me stop and think how grateful I am to live I America.
The rodeo then started and the horse racs, cattle are downs, and bull riding got on its way. Watching the pros do it made it look easy but I know how that is not true at all. Some of my favorite things to watch were the little kids ride cows, horses pulled sleds behind them and people had to try and jump on, and watching a remote control car scare bulls back into the pens.
After the rodeo was over we were walking away and I heard them announce a race for woman 18 and over to join. I hard that I an back over and jumped in the arena. They spead money of the dirt and we had to race for it. I'm just gonna say that I pushed some people down and I came out of there $1.50 richer tha whe. I went in! It was just 50 cent pieces they threw down. I still felt successful.
We the went to the fair for a bit and then to check to make sure the car was still there.
It was. We ended up making it back safely to the house, but it sure was a night to remember and full of a lot of laughing. Because really when things like that happen really all there is to do is laugh! That is my philosophy :)
Sweet Summertime (part 2)
Just Fishin'- Over the last couple of years I have really decided that I enjoy fishing a lot. So my dad is off on Monday's so he suggested we get up early and go fishing! That sounds like a great idea to me! We set off with our tackle boxes and fishin' poles and headed to Keystone. We fished for a couple hours and the running total ended with me at 6 and dad 4. It took him a while to catch up, but I took the better spot so I can't brag too much.
If you aren't someone who listens to country music then shame on you...just kidding but then you might not realize that Just Fishin' is the title of a song by Trace Adkins. Here is part of the song....
I'm lost in her there holding that pink rod and reel.
She's doing almost everything but sitting still.
Talking bout her ballet shoes and training wheels,
and her kittens.
And she thinks we're just fishin'.
I say Daddy loves you baby one more time,
I say Daddy loves you baby one more time,
she say's I know, I think I got a bite.
An all this laughing, crying, smiling, dying here inside
is what I call living
An she thinks we're just fishing on the river side
An she thinks we're just fishing on the river side
throwing back what we could fry,
drowning worms an killing time,
nothing too ambitious
she ain't even thinking bout what's really going on right now
but I guarantee this memories a big one
and she thinks we're just fishin'
With me loving country and all, this song was playing in my head all day. It was perfect that we got to spend that time together and I could turn it around and say that "he (dad) thinks we're just fishing" but really it was memories that were created of us spending the day together and talking about his past when he would go fishing and canoeing with Pappap and all their adventures. Even when we were done fishing and packed up and went home the fun did not stop. Our neighbors have a polaris ranger or something like that and so we went on a ride through the back woods behind our house. I had never been that far up the mountain back there and we got to a spot on the top where you could look over and see Ligonier. It was such a beautiful sight to see.
Seriously I love Ligonier and living there with so much beauty all around!
Growing up these are what I thought mountains were...man was I wrong!
Oh yeah...there is a reason you must be a certain age to drive. I learned to never let a 5 year old drive me anywhere. He told me he was a really good driver of that thing and I figured as long as we didnt got far and anywhere near the road then we would be ok. He took me up on the hill and tried going over these massive mulch piles, he got us stuck and then hoped off and ran away. I wasn't sure whether to laugh or be concerned so I laughed. Oh Lane!
Amish country USA- My mom wanted to go to visit the Amish one day to shop around and see this new town that we have never been too. I knew it wasn't going to be good when driving there I got stung by a bee! But really it was a lot of fun walking around the little shops and seeing everything that is homemade and very elegant. Usually my favorite stores are the furniture ones because they have the most amazing things made out of wood!
Oh yeah start churning that butter! I had a teacher in high school that churned her own butter :)
I thought this was interesting how the Amish start preparing food for a wedding a year in advance, that is some crazy planning.
Just another day at the post office
This is one of my favorite cities to pass and see signs for because it the place is called Home. Home 8 miles :)
Mini golfing- my family thinks I'm crazy! First of all my family is pretty big into miniature golfing. My dad played some growing up and both my brothers think they are professional (not really). But needless to say they are all three pretty good, Then there is my mom and I. We put in a good effort but usually fight for fourth and fifth place. Rules are always followed and rarely do we allow mulligans. Anyway my mom thought it would be fun for my last night in town to go play some golf. I love when we do stuff like this and she was right it was a lot of fun. About halfway through the course I asked if everyone knew what there happy dance was for when they got a hole-in-one. This is why they think I am crazy, they all just looked at me and said no. So far up to that point no one had gotten a hole-in-one but some were close. Then Kevin got one and I was so excited I was hoping to see a happy dance but I got nothing. And then for just a single second he did a little move and I begged him to do it again so I could take a picture but he refused. He was the only one up until the 18th hole, out of no where I was not expecting it but BAM I got a hole-in-one and you better believe I showed my family me dance. They may or may not have been embarrassed to be seen with me, but if they aren't used to that by know then they may never be :) If you are wondering how it turned out in the end....Kevin came out on top like usual, followed by a tying score between Nick and I!!!! then my dad behind us by one point and last came my mom! It was a ton of fun the whole night!
Pirates Game
We are such a good looking family! I love them
She may have had a hard time skipping over the crick, but it was a good effort
Look at that form!
Pirates Game
So far this is the first winning season the Pirates have had in 20 years! But games are always fun to go to...even if it was 107 while we were sitting in the sun for the first half of the game.
This is a famous Pittsburgh Sandwich called Primanti Brothers sandwich. Pretty much instead of the coleslaw and french fries as sides they are just piled on the sandwich too.
My brothers and I all have the same shoes Nike Free's and they are so comfortable! Not all the same color but same brand.
Virginia Trip
My best friend Erica had a wedding to go to in Virgina and so I went along so that I could get to know her boyfriend better since I am rarely home to really know him. We had a fun weekend gallivanting around Maryland and Virgina. We went to a lot of the museums in DC which was alot of fun. While Erica was at the wedding Jeff and I saw Spider Man and then had a nice little adventure driving around in the car. Needless to say it is hard to drive without headlights.
This is a famous Pittsburgh Sandwich called Primanti Brothers sandwich. Pretty much instead of the coleslaw and french fries as sides they are just piled on the sandwich too.
My brothers and I all have the same shoes Nike Free's and they are so comfortable! Not all the same color but same brand.
One of my favorite parts of the game is in the top of the 7th inning when they have the perogie race!
I love my brothers! It was a good sibling night and I am lad that we usaully get one every time that I come home. Those are usually some of my favorite times at home.
Virginia Trip
My best friend Erica had a wedding to go to in Virgina and so I went along so that I could get to know her boyfriend better since I am rarely home to really know him. We had a fun weekend gallivanting around Maryland and Virgina. We went to a lot of the museums in DC which was alot of fun. While Erica was at the wedding Jeff and I saw Spider Man and then had a nice little adventure driving around in the car. Needless to say it is hard to drive without headlights.
This is for real....Frying Pan road.
This is the nicest hotel I have ever stayed in! The place was crazy awesome, but there is no continental breakfast but we could pay $15 for eggs...no thanks.
National Air and Space Museum. We may have museum hopped all day because most are free and all have air conditioning and with it being 106 outside we really needed to be inside. It was not the best day to be walking around looking at monuments.
Got dinosaurs?
HOPE diamond!
I did this when I was in Ecuador and I was successful!
one of my teachers growing up let us play this game and I loved it! 24
Original Ruby Red Slippers
One of the responses on the board was that woman should just stay in the kitchen! I really hate that some people still think that or at least think its funny.
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