Tuesday, June 12, 2012

That Dang Toilet Paper

Ecuador does have indoor plumbing and everything but it is very sensitive and not great. Do you know what that means....we cant throw toilet paper in the toilet, we have to actually throw it away! Yeah it is hard to get used to and I´m not sure how long it takes to get used to cause I am definitely not there yet. Another bad part about it is then the bathroom kind of stinks of bodily functions for a week before the trash is taken out. So yeah the house may start smelling like crap towards the end of the week, but it is one of those things you get used to. The worst part is when you forget and throw it in the toilet anyway and then before flushing realize that that is not where it is supposed to go so you have to fish it out and throw it in the garbage. Yeah I have had to do that multiple times so far. They even have reminders in all the bathrooms with big bright signs. The funny part is that I read them every time and I think to myself today I will get it right and before I know it it has already happened and once again I have to pull it out. Oh well just one of the many things to get used to in a third world nation.

I hope everyone reading this is greatly appreciating the fact that we can just flush toilet paper without any problems! Because you dont know how good you have it! :)


  1. Megan it's so amazing what you are doing, i love reading this blog and hearing about the kids. Thank you for helping others realize what else there is out there in the world for us to do! Keep the faith girl :-)
