First off, if you have heard of the LDS temple that's what I am talking about. You can only go inside if you are living the standards of the church. That is why people who are not Mormon are not allowed inside. Those who do enter inside have to also be at least 12 years old. This may sound a little strange but when you go inside what happens is what we call baptism for the dead. Ok so it sounds really strange. Before I explain further you may or may not know how into family history the LDS church is, we kind of love it! The reason for that is to find family and ancestors as far back as possible and then take their names to the temple. I go and am a proxy, for the baptism. A priesthood leader baptizes me in the name of someone else. Because we believe in a life after death, we want everyone to be eternally happy and we believe that that happiness can be achieved by becoming a member of the Mormon church. Now just because we baptize someone that is dead does not mean that they are automatically baptized. There is something else we believe in strongly that when we were born we were given a great gift of agency. We are free to choose however we want. That continues on, meaning that those we stand in and baptize for still have their agency to choose if they want to accept that.
Right now on the earth we have 136 operating temples with 15 under construction. Inside these temples children, adults, and families all go to do the work for their dead relatives. The amazing thing is that no matter which temple I have been to whether Washington DC, Palmyra NY, Rexburg ID, Oquirrah UT, Jordan River UT, or Columbus OH they are always busy! Temples built on the earth are The Lords House, it is a place where he and the spirit reside. That is a big reason for going as well, to feel that peace and comfort of the Lord in his house. There are other ordinances done in the temples but I have not gone through that process yet and it is such a sacred act that it is not talked about. Thus I don.t know.That happens before getting married, or going on a mission, or when you are old enough to handle making greater covenants with the Lord.
Who knows if anyone is really thinking what it would be like to see inside a temple but are not memebers. Well after the temples are done they have month long open houses where anyone can go inside and look around. After the open houses are over the temple is dedicated to the Lord and that is when worthy members can be the only ones allowed inside.
All of that was kind of a background to a story that I wanted to write down because it was such a tender moment in my life that I do not want to forget about it. Today as I was sitting in the temple with some of my friends, Brittany asked if I would do some family names for her. Each name is on a index card like paper that is either blue for boys or pink for girls. You are only allowed to be a proxy for those of your gender. She gave me 5 of her family to do the work for and on the card it has listed their full name, where they lived, parents, and year they died. I like to look over the information to get to know these women a little and trying to feel a connection. Today as I was sitting a woman beside me leaned over and said that it would be good if I bore my testimony to them about what I believed to help them with their own decision to accept or decline the baptism. I have in the past prayed to be close with these people that they might choose what is best, but this was going to be a new experience. I said a prayer in me heart and silently shared with each woman what the church means to me and why I know it is true. Even though I have never met or seen these women I could feel their presence. To many this may sound like I am going crazy which I think is why the Mormons get persecuted so much for what they believe, but I am not crazy. I then went to baptize these 5 women and then be confirmed I know it was right and I could feel some of their happiness radiating through me. I tried to describe it the best that I could and to be honest it doesn't give my experience enough justice but I tried and I know that I read back and remember this story then I will remember the feelings I had at this moment.
This is a temple that they are currently building in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Thats Super cool Megan! I never have thought about baring your testimony to them. That sounds like a really unique experience. I will have to try!