I went out to college for the first time in August 2008. I knew one of my roommates Erika from growing up, other than that I knew no one in all of Idaho or in the surrounding 20 states. My roommates and next door neighbors turned out to be the best girls ever. That is when I first met Tamara, Megan, Kristie, Jenny, and Erin who are all my friends still. Tamara has moved on in life and gotten married and has the cutest little girl now! Kristie is also married and Erin is well on her way to that ceremony in August. Erika, Jenny, and Megan are all serving missions for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Erika in Washington, Jenny in Baltimore, and Meg in Missouri! I am so proud of all of them. In one particular semester I roomed with Jenny and Meg, and I mean there were literally 3 of us in a small room. I pulled my mattress in their room for a weekend and it stayed there the rest of the semester, my roommate had gone home a few weeks into the semester. I was able to grow close to those lovely ladies and will forever remember that semester. Megan is one crazy girl and I have loved her from when we first meet. We clicked instantly and became very good friends. Megan is returning home from Missouri tomorrow and I am so excited!! I talked to her mom (WANDA) on the phone last week and the entire time we were both just freaking out on the phone because we were so excited. But I told Wanda I was going to let her come home and be with her family a bit before I start bombarding her with my phone calls. I promised to call on Monday after school! So even though she comes home tomorrow it will really be til Monday that I talk to her. But these are the best pictures that I look back on and it describes Meg and I pretty well when we are together.
We went to a David Archuletta concert together at school
and we were so excited and it was a lot of fun!
I love this one below! We are so creepy. I used to scare Meg at night in the dark
because she hates the dark!
Valentine's Day
For some reason we were looking for Wales and could not find it on the map,
hence the sad faces!
We were going to a rodeo! First one ever! Going inspired me to do one myself :)
Tamara, Me, and Meg This was normal
Conference Center
I will forever love this picture and I don't think the background
of my laptop will ever change from this picture!
Before Meg left my family went to Cedar Point and Meg met up with us there and we spent an amazing 2 days together of fun and she got to meet my wonderful family!
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