Well my friends and I have become regulars at Buffalo Wild Wings, and the people there always ask when we are going to the Blazin Challenge. A couple of weeks ago Rob texted us all and said tonight we are all doing the challenge. Who knows why we actually followed through but 5 of us went and did it. Ashley was freaking out beforehand and my stomach knew what was coming wasn't going to be good. But we ordered our wings and started the 6 minutes of hell...
Ashley don't hate me but I love this picture!
Ashley made it through 2 wings...
Jake made it through 8...
Rob finished on 3:36 (i still don't know how!)
And I finished at 5:58 with a mouth full of meat that still needed swallowed. I almost threw up 3 different times and had to have Ashley wipe my the dripping snot from my nose. That's a true friend there.
I dye laughing every time I see this picture of Rob cross eyed!
We did it! This picture was after much cleaning and alot of milk and water and carrots. My face was still on fire though.
Luckily I at least got a free t-shirt!