My mom, her friend Fran, Fran's granddaughter and I decided to go to Palmyra, New York to see the pageant they put on every year. I was there one time like 6 or 7 years ago with my ward. So we loaded up the car and took off. This is my favorite rest area so far in the country. You get to walk on a sky walk over top of the freeway! I love standing there and watching the cars go underneath.

We were all ready for the pageant and a storm came rolling in. At first it got looking pretty bad with some strong winds. But then it kind of cleared out and everyone was thanking Heavenly Father for this so the show could go on. But as we waited the storm came back and it did end up being cancelled which was like the first time in 10 years or something like that. Everyone was pretty bummed but there is absolutely nothing we could do. We were talking about it later and really Heavenly Father has a plan for everything so maybe something was going to go wrong and someone was going to get hurt or die and since he didn't want that, instead he sent the storm to cancel the pageant for the evening.

Even though I didn't get to see the show, I did run into someone that I kinda know! My friend Nicole Egan got married 2 years ago and he in-laws are serving in New York and I recognized her mother-in-law from the wedding and so I decided to go talk to them. I wanted to get a picture so I could send it it Nicole abd Jeremy telling them who I ran into:)
Waiting in the rain I let the others have the ponchos so instead I used the seat cushion!
The next morning before we headed out of town we hit up some of the sites in town. We went to the Smith's farm and the Sacred Grove.
I love the Sacred Grove and sitting in the peaceful woods thinking about all that happened there with Joseph Smith and restoring the gospel to the earth, and everything that has come about since because of the questions of a 14 year old boy!
Look a heart in the tree stump <3 br="">
And of course a stop at the temple! I love this temple because it is so little but still so neat. It is the only temple with windows in it that look out over the Sacred Grove!