Friday, November 25, 2011

Proclaim the truth

In this revelation, the Lord called upon Joseph Smith to “make a solemn proclamation of my gospel…to all the kings of the world, to the four corners thereof, to the honorable president-elect, and high-minded governors of the nation in which you live, and to all the nations of the earth scattered abroad” (verses 1-2). At the same time the Prophet was also commanded to build a place of lodging for strangers about which Joseph Smith said, “It is important that the Nauvoo House should be finished, that we may have a suitable place wherein to entertain the great ones of the earth, and teach them the truth” (History of the Church 5:137).

Many times missionaries find that those who are in humble circumstances are most receptive to the gospel, but this call to teach the gospel is specifically to people of prestige and influence. Why do you think the Lord would give this commandment?

I think that like stated in the question that the humble people are more willing to hear the gospel and be converted unto the Lord. That happens alot in the church and those people can be found many times by the members of a ward in the area. If those people are humble then with the start off missionaries or ward members it is easier to convert them to the truth. With those that are not humble or not looking to hear about another church. This proclamation was for the missionaries to search them out and work with them in teaching them the gospel. Since we need to eventually teach the whole world the gospel we need to equally teach or try to teach those who do not want to hear. Even if they are introduced at some point in their lives it is preparing them to possibly accept it later in life. But in order to accept the church it first must be introduced.

What other proclamations to the world have been issued? Why do you think it was necessary to issue them?

The Family Proclamation to the World is the main one that I can think off. That is one that is stressed a lot in our day. We have seen the trial of the definition of marriage which the Family Proclamation outlines perfectly for us. It also states the purposes and duty of mother and father and being parents.

What are the implications for Church members concerning their responsibility towards those who are not LDS?

It is our responsibility to teach everyone we come in contact with about what we know so they can share in our joy as well. I will admit that it is not always easy to talk to people about the gospel at least for me but I try to live my life as a great example of Christlike characteristics so through my actions, words, and deeds spread the gospel. I will work on getting better at actually starting conversations and answering more questions.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Peace be unto thy soul

John Corrill (1839) statement: “I have left you not because I disbelieve the Bible, for I believe in God, the Saviour, and religion the same as ever; but when I retrace our track, and view the doings of the church for six years past, I can see nothing that convinces me that God has been our leader; calculation after calculation has failed, and plan after plan has been overthrown, and our prophet seemed not to know the event till too late. If he said go up and prosper, still we did not prosper; but have labored and toiled, and waded through trials, difficulties, and temptations, of various kinds, in hope of deliverance. But no deliverance came…Where now may you look for deliverance? You may say, in God; but I say, in the exercise of common sense and that sound reason with which God has endowed you; and my advice is to follow that, in preference to those pretended visions and ​revelations which…increase your trouble, and which would bind you, soul and body, under the most intolerable yoke” (A Brief History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Chapter VI).

I believe that John was lacking in faith. He had lost his faith along the way of trials and hardships. After enduring so much he was not able to see the blessings Heavenly Father was bestowing upon the saints at this time. He looked at the bad and negative through everything. "Faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true." (Alma 32:21). Brother Corrill may have not been intuned with the spirit and could no longer here promptings or messages from Heavenly Father. We all have hard times in our lives and need not get to distressed with our lives and keep in mind that blessings will come someday if not immediately.

A few scriptures in the section include 121:45 let virture garnish they thoughts and your confidence shall wax strong in the presence of the Lord.
121:34 Many are called but few are choosen.
121: 46 The Holy Ghost shall be they constant companion
122:7 if the very jaws of hell shall gape open the mouth wide after thee, know thou, my son,that all these things shall give thee experience and shall be for thy good.
That last scripture sums up why John Corrill should have endured. We are the Lord's children and he has done so much for us and wants us to succeed in life and gain a great reward. But we need to gain those experiences that test us and our faith and have trials that push us, but he will never give us anything that he knows we cant bear. That is the glory given here. If we trust in him he will always help us through, always. He never tells lies! We can perfectly trust him in all things that he does and says.

D&C121:7-9 This set of scriptures have had a big impact on my life and being able to apply them to myself in times of need. I change it in my scriptures to say, "Megan, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment. And if thou endure it well God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over thy foes."
Every time I read this scripture it just reminds me how much the Lord is there for me and is willing to calm my troubled soul which lately has been alot! But each time he has been there and I have faith that he always will.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Service to others

1. Why do we need to continually work on being worthy to fulfill church callings and to help build Zion?

If we are living our lives faithfully so that we are worthy to fulfill church callings then most likely we are on the right path for obtaining celestial glory. We need to try and strive to be perfect so that if we were to die at this very moment we would be prepared to meet our Heavenly Father in the next life. We never know when our end is and we should not, “eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.” Living worthily is of utmost importance in our earthly life.

If we are living worthy we can aide in building up those around me. We are more in tuned with the spirit and can be an instrument for the Lord to work through us to help his other children. I am a strong believer in service and in serving others. I know that Heavenly Father sends the Spirit to me with ways to help and life his children and be a comfort to them. I believe that that is one of the great gifts my Father gave to me as I can relate with many circumstances and feel that empathy and sympathy that many are searching for.

2. What happens to even the very elect if we withhold our time, talents, and resources?

We can lose out on many opportunities for teaching and converting people to the church. I know that when members withhold and opportunities are lost those people will have chances to learn again, they are not given up on. Heavenly Father wants all of his children to hear his word and be converted back to him. He will try everything he can to get them to know and learn of him. It also hinders us and our Christ like development if we are withholding because we cannot grow as the Lord would have us grow.

I believe that we need to take every opportunity to be examples to others or take the time to teach if they are willing to listen. If we live worthily many great blessings can come to us and to others. I have a testimony of these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Look to the temple

"I invite the Latter-day Saints to look to the temple of the Lord as the great symbol of your membership. Let us be a temple-attending people." Howard W Hunter

How can we look to the temple as a symbol? This may not be the symbol they are looking for but when I ponder the question I think of the talk given by a member of the church given at general conference. He spoke on never being lost if you are in the view of the temple. The temple is a light that can lead and guide you anytime or anywhere. I love the fact that no matter what the temple is illuminated and can be seen for miles away. This to me also means that if you are living your life worthy and keeping temple ordinances then you will be guided in your life, even if you are in an area that you cannot view the temple always.

Growing up I did not live in an area where the temple was closer than 4 hours away. It was something that was not always on my mind because it was not close and was not often attended by my family or ward. But now living here in Rexburg I see the temple everyday and am reminded of how I should be living my life in keeping myself worthy to be able to go to the temple everyday.